Lighting comparison chart: T12s just can’t compete with LEDs

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The annual energy cost of an LED using a lighting control is $11.28, compared to $27.83 for a T12 using magnetic ballasts. Our new fluorescent vs. LED comparison chart tells that story, and more.

Fluorescents, LEDs go head-to-head: a comparison

Image of 3D rendering of restaurant lighting

The results are in: the operating cost of an LED 50% less than that of a T12

If you’re wondering how much more efficient LEDs are than T12s, consider these results: the annual energy cost of an LED using a lighting control is $11.28, compared to $27.83 for a T12 using magnetic ballasts*.

LEDs are generally more expensive than fluorescent lamps. However, as our comparison  demonstrates, their excellent efficiency and extended life make them more cost-efficient than fluorescent lamps in certain applications.

If you’re ready to lower your lighting-related electricity costs, talk to a member of the BC Hydro Alliance of Energy Professionals. Members help our business customers find opportunities to reduce their electricity use. They can also help you choose the right lights for your business type and budget.

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